Conversation with a Client…
Don’t try to shortcut this part of the process. Writing the content for your Business Blueprint may seem tedious, but it is crucial to your business. If you want your brand/business to make sense you must define your process.
Create a Clear Business “One-liner” Statement.
First, think about your ideal client. What are they struggling with at this very moment? Then remember why you wanted to start your business. And focus on who you are and what your business does.
Let’s do that now.
What does your business/brand do?
Whom do you help?
What are they struggling with right now?
How do your services solve their pain?
Why is your solution the best?
Now write your statement. Remember to use one sentence for each prompt. Think of this like you are having a conversation.
State the problem your ideal client is struggling with right now
Express empathy and share a relatable growth statement.
Why you are the solution to their pain.
I’ve learned that this part of the content writing process while developing your business is difficult for most people because they simply don’t know what they really want to do. This is why creating your business blueprint and going through the BYOB ( Be Your Own Brand) process is crucial for anyone looking to step into entrepreneurship.
Here is my company’s one-liner.
Starting a New Business Can be Exciting and Scary.
We’re dedicated to supporting ASPIRING entrepreneurs just like you, who need help organizing their business idea, can’t find the courage to post on Social Media, or just simply struggle to stay focused. No matter where you are in the process of starting your business, Cre8tive Vibes can help.
As a design agency, we are capable of offering a wide variety of creative services such as graphic design, custom presentations, simple websites, and more. We just don’t need to go into the details just yet. That’s how we upsell and let the clients know the levels of support we offer during the sales call. But that’s an entirely different blog topic. (smile)
In this part of the brand development process, getting organized and writing content can be daunting. Especially for aspiring entrepreneurs who struggle with commitment, and decision-making and lack the ability to ask for help. But the truth is this description is relatable and applied to just about everyone. We all need support when doing something new, different, or scary. It’s hard to do scary things. This is why having a creative coach or accountability partner is important while building your business.
Getting organized and developing your vision for your business takes time. Don’t rush. Be intentional and build it with purpose. As you do, you’ll soon realize that there is so much more to your vision. As I began to build my design agency I realized that I have to wear two hats when working with my clients. This a-ha moment helped me pivot my focus and grow my brand. Take a look at how my vision became two separate entities.
My design business, Cre8tive Vibes offers services and products to help aspiring entrepreneurs build and brand their businesses. Through brand development, graphic design and website creativity, and social media best practices.
While my personal brand “Bridgette Rooks” focuses on Mindset Coaching. By sharing my personal experience and growth, I can help others. By building awareness of the Simple Life habits that entrepreneurs need to be successful while running and managing their brands.
So keep working on your goals for your business every day. Somedays will be foggy and other days will be full of clarity and willpower. Just know that your vision will shift, expand, deplete and repeat so many times. Just trust the process and keep growing. Your vision is a gift and you are designed to share it with the world. Don’t rush this part of the process, write your business statement and watch it grow.
Ps. Remember working on your business should bring you joy. Even though fear and doubt will try to sneak in (and they will…) try not to let the pressure of filling your purpose discourage or distract you. You were born to be and do great things. Get up each day and go be great!
I’d love for you to connect with me on YouTube. Take a look at this blog designed in a quick video training for a more interactive experience.